Velkommen hos Allerød linedance
Øvet 2016-2017
Dans – Video
Koreograf/step sheet
East to west 17
Alison Johnstone & Simon Ward
Love centric
Roy Verdonk & Sebastiaan Holtland
The Rose
Maria Maag
Dangerous games
Karl-Harry Winson
I be U be
Gudrun Schneider
In case you didn't know
Vivienne Scott & Kim Ray
Darling, blue ain't your colour
Wil Bos
Dwight Meessen
Twist & turns
Maddison Glover
Forever for evigt
Annette Dida Nielsen
Maybe tomorrow
Niels Poulsen, Malene Jakobsen
Corazon Diamante
R.Verdonk, M.Gallagher, G.O'reilly
What do you want
Lotte Irmgarth Hansen
Second hand heart
Maggie Gallagher
Save the day
Come on down
Copyright © Allerød Linedance
Vi danser iCenterhallenLilledal 103450 Allerød
Stiftet 25. september 2016